Publications & results

Fredrik Norén, Johan Jarlbrink, Alexandra Borg, Erik Edoff & Måns Magnusson, “The transformation of ‘the political’ in post-war Sweden”, Digitised newspapers: A new eldorado for historians? (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022) norén_et_al
Johan Jarlbrink, Fredrik Norén & Robin Saberi,  “Contextual Modelling of “Propaganda” , “Information” and “Upplysning” in Swedish Parliamentary Speeches, 1920–2019”, Digital Parliamentary Data in Action (DiPaDA 2022) workshop, Uppsala University, 2022 jarlbrink_noren_saberi_2022
Matti La Mela, Fredrik Norén & Eero Hyvönen,  “Digital Parliamentary Data in Action (DiPaDA 2022) – Introduction”, Digital Parliamentary Data in Action (DiPaDA 2022) workshop, Uppsala University, 2022 noren_la_mela_hyonen_2022
Johan Jarlbrink & Fredrik Norén, “The rise and fall of ‘propaganda’ as a positive concept: A digital reading of Swedish parliamentary records, 1867–2019”, Scandinavian Journal of History 2022 jarlbrink_norén_2022
Pelle Snickars, “Modeling Media History. On Topic Models of Swedish Media Politics 1945–89”, Media History no. 3, 2022 DOI: 10.1080/13688804.2022.2079484
Måns Magnusson, A Vehtari, J Jonasson, M Andersen
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 341-351, 2020 Leave-one-out cross-validation for Bayesian model comparison in large data
Måns Magnusson, MH Bodell, M Arvidsson, 2019 Interpretable Word Embeddings via Informative Priors